Tuesday 17 July 2012

69) Cahors en fete (ou en fou?)

A very enjoyable trip (as always) to the Saturday market in Cahors.  And (as always) we ran into some of our  (adopted) French family, Pierre and his enigmatic younger daughter, Camille.

It is the season of fetes.  And not to be out done, Cahors has a sort of celebration of gardens.  Various events have been happening, most of which we have missed, but one that is on for a month is a weird project to knit woollen knitted type things round random street objects dotted about the town - like trees for instance.

or the already rather weird sculpture outside the law courts........................

........and the odd park bench.  This made a bit more sense as it greatly improved the comfort of the usually red-hot iron municipal seating provision; and clearly it amused the locals.

There was also a display of (almost certainly crap) sculpture in the cathedral cloisters.  But we had missed it.

One thing we came across by luck, which was not part of the fete, was this rather intriguing (Zen?) garden in the municipal headquarters of the planning department.  It consisted of a few dead twigs in a tray of gravel, surrounded by an MDF, vomit coloured, up-sweeping border with a hole in it.  Clearly there was a great deal of subtlety and symbolism that had simply gone over our heads.  We couldn't understand why this too had not been highlighted in the fete.

It is also interesting to note that the building housing the planning department must be one of the ugliest and most inappropriate buildings in Cahors.  According to the sign outside, which no one has bothered to take down, it was once the police headquarters building.  One wonders how it ever managed to get planning permission; on the other hand.......

And in our own garden the lettuces are doing really well (the glass is there to give scale - it was the nearest thing to hand).

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